Introduction: In manufacturing an assembly, organizations could run into scenarios where one or more operations are performed by an external supplier. Though these operations could vary by industry some examples are Powder Coating, Color blasting etc. In an outside processing scenario, a Semi-Finished assembly is sent to the supplier. Below are the high-level steps in Outside Processing Flow: Create an Outside Processing Service Item Create a Supplier Operation Define a Work Definition Including Supplier Operation Review Plant Parameters Create a Work Order and Release Review the Supply Orchestration Receive the Purchase Order In this first we will review the steps up to reviewing plant parameters. Create an Outside Processing Service Item Outside Processing Service Item is used in the Purchase Order line and systematically received from the supplier. This is a non-Inventory, Service item, used for tracking the Supplier services. Product Hub provides a seeded item template- Outside P...
Table Details: Operations that are enabled for Automatic Work Definition can be found from the below table WIS_STANDARD_OPERATIONS_B. Column - USED_IN_AUTO_WD_FLAG indicates whether operation is assigned to Automatic Work definition. Query1: All Standard Operations across the orgs that are used in Automatic Work Definition. select io.organization_code, standard_operation_code,used_in_auto_wd_flag, count_point_flag, auto_transact_flag from wis_standard_operations_b wsob, inv_org_parameters io where wsob.organization_id=io.organization_id and wsob.used_in_auto_wd_flag='Y' Query2: All the automatic work definitions in the application across organizations. select io.organization_code, esi.item_number, wwd.system_generated_flag System_Generated, wwd.* from inv_org_parameters io, egp_system_items_b esi, wis_work_definitions wwd where esi.inventory_item_id=wwd.inventory_item_id and esi.organization_id=wwd.organization_id and io.organization...