Table Details: Operations that are enabled for Automatic Work Definition can be found from the below table WIS_STANDARD_OPERATIONS_B. Column - USED_IN_AUTO_WD_FLAG indicates whether operation is assigned to Automatic Work definition. Query1: All Standard Operations across the orgs that are used in Automatic Work Definition. select io.organization_code, standard_operation_code,used_in_auto_wd_flag, count_point_flag, auto_transact_flag from wis_standard_operations_b wsob, inv_org_parameters io where wsob.organization_id=io.organization_id and wsob.used_in_auto_wd_flag='Y' Query2: All the automatic work definitions in the application across organizations. select io.organization_code, esi.item_number, wwd.system_generated_flag System_Generated, wwd.* from inv_org_parameters io, egp_system_items_b esi, wis_work_definitions wwd where esi.inventory_item_id=wwd.inventory_item_id and esi.organization_id=wwd.organization_id and io.organization...
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